Author: thadin

  • Push Up

    Lie prone on the floor with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width. Raise your body off the floor by extending your arms with your body straight. Keep your body straight, and lower to the ground by bending your arms. Push your body back up until your arms are extended.

  • Plank

    Lie prone on the floor with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width. Raise your body off the floor by extending your arms and then lowering onto your elbows. Hold this position for the duration of the exercise.

  • Mountain Climbers

    Lie prone on a mat with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width. Raise your body off the floor by extending your arms with your body straight. Keeping your body straight drive one knee in at a time, going as fast as possible.

  • Glute Bridge

    Lie down on your back and bring your feet up close to your hips by bending your knees. Keep the weight in your heels and extend your hips by squeezing your glutes and engaging your core. Slowly return to starting position.

  • Burpees

    Bend over and squat down. Place hands on the floor, slightly wider than shoulder-width. While holding the upper body in place, kick the legs back. Land on forefeet in a plank position. Keeping your upper body in place, pull your legs forward under your body returning your feet to their original position. Rise to the…

  • Bodyweight Squat

    Squat down by hinging the hips back while allowing the knees to bend forward, keeping the back straight and knees pointed in the same direction as your feet. Descend until thighs are parallel to the ground. Extend your knees and hips until your legs are straight.

  • Side Planks

    Lie down on your side. Place your forearm under your shoulders. Place your upper leg directly on top of the lower leg and straighten your knees and hips. Raise your body upward by straightening your waist so your body is straight and hold this position.

  • Sumo Squat

    Start with feet wider than shoulder-width and rotate your toes out so that they face outwards. Lower yourself down until your thighs are parallel to the floor and perform small pulses.

  • Side Lunges

    Lunge to one side with the first leg. Land on heel, then forefoot. Lower your body by flexing the knee and hip. Keep your knee pointed in the same direction as your foot. Return to the original standing position and repeat by alternating sides.

  • Shoulder Taps

    Lie prone on the floor with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width. Raise your body off the floor by extending your arms. Keeping your body straight, tap your opposite shoulder in your hand and then return to the starting position. Repeat by alternating sides with each rep.