Half Reclining Hero


  1. Take a deep breath in
  2. Exhale come to kneeling at the top of your mat for our peak pose half reclining hero
  3. Bring your right foot flat to the mat and drop down inside your left foot with your left heel next to your left hip toes point straight back
  4. Move your right foot out to the side as far as you need to to bring both sitting bones flat to the mat you may need to put a cushion under your right hip
  5. Inhale sit up tall
  6. Exhale place your hands behind you fingertips facing forwards and start to lean back come down just as far as is comfortable a few inches to your elbows or all the way down if you’re on the mat you can bring your arms up overhead and hold on to opposite elbows
  7. Stay here for a few breaths feeling the stretch in the front of your left thigh
  8. Take a deep breath in
  9. Exhale release your arms press into your forearms and carefully lift yourself back up lean to the right bring your left foot flat to the mat and your right foot back beside your right hip you can walk your left foot out a few inches if you need to to bring both sitting bones flat to the mat or switch your cushion to the other side
  10. Inhale sit up tall
  11. Exhale lower yourself back until you feel the stretch in your right thigh to your hands elbows or all the way down bring your arms up overhead and take hold of opposite elbows to deepen the stretch you

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