Half twisted lizard


let’s start to stretch your quads in half twisted lizard pose

  1. Inhale sweep your right leg up to the sky
  2. Exhale step your right foot outside your right hand drop your left knee and release your back foot
  3. Pick up your back foot with your right hand draw your right shoulder back and open your body to the right
  4. Drop your hips and gently pull your left foot in towards you to deepen the stretch in your left quad
  5. Take a deep breath in
  6. Exhale release the pose walk your right foot in and step back to downward dog for the other side
  7. Inhale sweep your left leg up to the sky
  8. Exhale step your left foot outside your left hand drop your right knee and release your back foot
  9. Pick up your back foot with your left hand draw your left shoulder back and twist your body open to the left
  10. Drop your hips and pull your left foot in towards you to deepen the stretch
  11. Take a deep breath in
  12. Exhale release the pose walk your left foot in and step back to downward dog

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