Reclining Spinal Twist


  1. Inhale lower your left leg to the mat
  2. Exhale squeeze your right knee into your chest
  3. Inhale bend your right arm to 90 degrees like a cactus
  4. Exhale gently guide your right knee across your body towards the mat
  5. Look to the right and relax into the pose
  6. Try to keep both shoulders flat on the mat
  7. Take a deep breath in
  8. Exhale come back to center
  9. Inhale lower your right leg to the mat
  10. Exhale squeeze your left knee into your chest
  11. Inhale bring your left arm out to the side and come into the shape of a cactus
  12. Exhale guide your left knee across your body towards the mat
  13. Look to the left and relax into the pose
  14. Take a deep breath in
  15. Exhale come back to center and hug your knees into your chest

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