Author: thadin

  • Tabletop Cross Body Touches

    Instruction Start by sitting on the floor and then lift your body by extending your arms and legs. Keep everything tight and balanced while you reach up to touch your opposite foot. Slowly lower back into starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

  • Sumo Squat Pulses

    Instruction Start with feet wider than shoulder-width and rotate your toes out so that they face outwards. Lower yourself down until your thighs are parallel to the floor and perform small pulses.

  • Leg Extensions

  • Kick Throughs

    Instruction Start on all fours with shoulders above your wrists and hips above your knees. Keeping your core tight, lift your knees above the ground. Shift your weight to one arm only, while opening your body up to one side. The arm that is off the floor will come in to create a 90-degree angleat…

  • Jump Squats

    Instruction Squat down by hinging the hips back while allowing the knees to bend forward, keeping the back straight and knees pointed in the same direction as your feet. Descend until thighs are parallel to the ground then jump up landing softly.

  • Stretching Step 15

    Instruction Turn and lay on our stomach now bend your knees then grab your feet grab your feet with your hands and now with your feet you have to pull your hands like this open up hold it ten nine eight seven six five four three two one and down Let’s move back and up…

  • Stretching Step 14

    Instruction Now, go into a child’s positionChild pose, hold it. Now, move your body up and lay on the floor again. Turn to one side and pull your leg, grab your knee.Now, let’s point towards the floor and let’s draw a big circle and reach backYou will have a position like that and reach back,…

  • Stretching Step 13

    Instruction Let’s put our feet on the ground like this We’re gonna kneel on the ground on our hands and now we’re gonna extend our hips like this. Hold the position and feel in the stretch in our hip flexes in our quarts and in our head. Hold it. Push your hips to the ground…

  • Stretching Step 12

    Instruction Put one leg behind the knee of the other leg and pull the leg towards your chest. Let’s stretch those glutes. You’re feeling the exercises right here and keep your back on the floor. Change the side, the other leg behind the other leg and pull towards your chest.

  • Stretching Step 11

    Instruction Put the legs together and we’re gonna lay on the floor now your legs stay together and your knees are moving to the floor and hold this position breathe and relax Extend your legs and open them and hold the position feel your inner thighs flashing right now bend the legs