Author: thadin

  • Warm Up

    To prepare the muscles and joints for the movement that will follow and to increase core temperature.

  • Cobra Full Push up

    Instruction Get down on your hands and toes with your back straight. Place your hands double shoulder-width apart and keep your arms and legs straight and lower your body to the ground. Push with both arms just to raise your chest and torso while keeping the hips and legs on the floor, . Lower your…

  • Close Grip Push up

    Instruction 1.Get down to the floor on your fours, face down and weight pressed on your palms and toes with elbows straight, hands placed chest wide.2.Lower down your chest towards the ground by bending your elbows slowly.3.Keep lowering your chest until it is a few inches away from the ground, and return to the starting…

  • Clap push up

    Instruction 1.Get down to the floor on your fours, face down and eight pressed on your palms and toes with straight arms.2.Lower down your chest towards the ground by bending your elbows slowly.3.Keep lowering your chest until it is a few inches away from the ground, and return to the starting position by explosively pushing…

  • Child Pose Up

    Instruction While standing, raise your arms parallel to the ground in front of your chest with arms extended and touch palms. Squeeze both arms together and bring them in a controlled motion towards your chest. Hold for a while, move them to starting position while palms stick together and repeat. Tips Keep your back straight…

  • Bodyweight Svend Press

    Instruction While standing, raise your arms parallel to the ground in front of your chest with arms extended and touch palms. Squeeze both arms together and bring them in a controlled motion towards your chest. Hold for a while, move them to starting position while palms stick together and repeat. Tips Keep your back straight…

  • Bodyweight Standing Fly

    Instruction While standing, raise your arms parallel to the ground and bend your elbows with hands horizontal towards the ceiling. Bring both elbows together in a flying motion in front of you. Hold for a while, split your elbows apart to starting position and repeat. Tips Keep your back straight and avoid slouching. Raise and…

  • Bodyweight Kneeling Push Up Row

    Instruction Get down on your hands andknees with your back straight. Place your hands double shoulder-width apart and keep your arms and legs straight. Lower your chest to the floor while bending your arms and raise your chest by straightening your arms. Pull your one elbow upwards to complete a row and repeat the exercise.…

  • Wide Push Up Bodyweight

    Instruction Get down on your hands and toes with your back straight. Place your hands as wide as possible but keeping the body elevated from the ground and keep your arms and legs straight. Lower your chest to the floor while bending your arms. Hold for a while, raise your chest by straightening your arms,…

  • Push ups bodyweight

    Instruction Get down on your hands and toes with your back straight. Keep your arms and legs straight and lower your chest to the floor by bending your arms. Hold for a while, raise your chest by straightening your arms, and repeat. Tips Keep your back straight and avoid slouching. Raise and lower your body…