Author: thadin

  • Reclining hand to big toe

    Instruction Bring your right knee into your chest and straighten your left leg to the mat Loop the strap around the ball of your right foot and press through your heel to straighten your right leg up to the sky Keep the back of your left hip firmly pressing into the mat You can bend…

  • Reclining Butterfly

    Instruction Bring the soles of your feet together Keep your knees bent Lower your feet to the mat and let your knees fall open in the shape of a diamond Reach both arms up overhead and take hold of opposite elbows Try to let your inner thigh muscles relax Hold for 5-8 breaths Bring your…

  • Low Lunge Sidebends

    Instruction Inhale sweep your arms out and up touch your palms together Exhale drop your hips Inhale take hold of your right wrist with your left hand reach up Exhale bend to the left breathe into the stretch down the right hand side of your body and draw your lower abs in to protect your…

  • Fallen Warrior

    Instruction Inhale sweep your right leg up to the sky Exhale bring your right knee across your body and straighten your right leg Inhale sweep your left hand up to the sky Exhale relax into the pose Take a deep breath in Exhale lower your left hand to the mat and bring your knee into…

  • Dead Pigeon

    Instruction Inhale and straighten your right leg up to the sky and press through your heel Exhale and cross your right ankle on top of your left knee and flex your right foot Draw your left knee in towards your chest Take hold of the heel of your right foot with your left hand and…

  • Bicycles

    Start by laying down on the mat, then lift your knees to a 90-degree angle. Place your fingers behind your ears. Reach opposite elbow to the opposite knee, alternating sides

  • Tricep Dips

    Start by sitting on the floor, then lift your body by extending your arms and legs. Lower your body by bending the arms, allowing elbows to point back until your rear end touches the ground. Contract your triceps to lift you back up.

  • Sit Up

    Start by laying down on the mat, then bend your knees up to a 45-degree angle. Place your fingers behind your ears. Sit up until your elbows touch your knees and then slowly lower back down.

  • Russian Twist

    Sit on the floor and while keeping your balance raise your legs with knees bent up until your shins are parallel to the floor. Keep everything tight and rotate your upper body from side to side.

  • Reverse Lunge

    Lunge forward with the first leg. Land on your heel, then forefoot. Lower your body by flexing the knee and hip of your front leg until the knee of the back leg is almost in contact with the ground. Return to the original standing position and repeat by alternating legs each time.