Author: thadin

  • Warrior 3 Eagle

    Instruction Inhale sweep your right leg up to the sky Exhale step your right foot in between your hands in runner’s lunge Inhale sweep your arms forward and up into high lunge Exhale relax into the pose Inhale stretch your arms out to the sides Exhale cross your right arm over the left bend your…

  • Spider Planks

    Instruction Inhale sweep your right leg up to the sky Exhale bring your knee to your right triceps Inhale sweep your leg back up Exhale bring your knee to touch your nose lift your hips up Inhale sweep your leg back up Exhale bring your knee to your left triceps Inhale sweep your leg back…

  • Side Plank Rotations

    Instruction Inhale slip your left hand up to the sky Exhale thread your left hand under your body Inhale sweep your left hand back up Exhale thread your hand under Inhale sweep your hand back up last time Exhale thread your hand back under Inhale sleep your hand back up Exhale bring your left hand…

  • Reclining Spinal Twist

    Instruction Inhale lower your left leg to the mat Exhale squeeze your right knee into your chest Inhale bend your right arm to 90 degrees like a cactus Exhale gently guide your right knee across your body towards the mat Look to the right and relax into the pose Try to keep both shoulders flat…

  • Happy baby

    Instruction Keep your feet together open your knees and stretch your hands through to take hold of the outsides of your feet Bring your feet out over your knees and gently pull them down towards the mat Flex your feet press your lower back into the mat and stay here for a few deep breaths…

  • Dead Pigeon

    Instruction Inhale straighten your right leg up to the sky and press through your heel Exhale cross your right ankle on top of your left knee and flex your right foot draw your left knee in towards your chest Take hold of the heel of your right foot with your left hand and the top…

  • Windscreen wipers

    Instruction Place one hand on your belly and one hand on your chest And drop both knees to the right And to the left when screen wiping your knees a few times to release your lower back And bring your knees back to center

  • Bridges

    Instruction Bring your hands by your sides palms facing down and walk your feet back until your fingertips graze your heels Inhale press into your feet and lift your hips up Exhale lower back down Inhale lift your hips up Exhale lower back down to the mat Inhale lift your hips up Exhale lower Inhale…

  • V Ups

    Instruction Start by sitting down on a mat with your hands by your hips. Lift your legs creating a V with your upper body and thighs. Extend your legs and upper body as flat as possible and then contract your core to bring everything back in as tight as possible.

  • Toe Touches

    Instruction Lie down on your back and bring your legs straight up so that they point to the ceiling. Hold this position and then reach for your feet with your hands by contracting your core.