Author: thadin

  • Archer push up

    Instruction Get down on your hands and toes with your back straight. Straighten your arms and legs, and lower your chest towards your left hand by bending your left arm while keeping the other arm straight. Hold for a while, raise your chest by straightening your arm, and repeat by lowering towards the other hand.…

  • Alternating Toe Tap

    Instructions Lie down on your back with your legs straight and arm resting at the sides. Raise your torso and right leg simultaneously and tap your right toe with lefth hand. Return to the starting position and do the same with your opposite hand and leg. Tips Avoid bending your neck and keep it in…

  • Alternating Plank Lunge

    Instructions Get down to floor on your palms and toes with your arms, legs and back straight. Lift your one foot off the ground and bring the knee towards your arm by bending it. Place the foot back on the ground and do the same movement with your opposite leg. Tips Keep your back straight.…

  • Alternating Oblique Sit Ups

    Instructions Lie on your back with knees slightly bent, feet placed on the ground and hands behind your head. Inhale, lift your upper back off the ground and twist your torso towards the right side Exhale and return to the starting position Lift your upper back again and twist your torso to the left side.…

  • Alternating Lunge with Rotation

    Instruction Get down to floor on your palms and toes with your arms and legs straight. Bend your left knee and place your foot near the hand then, rotate your torso towards your left while raising your arm straight overhead. Return to the starting position and peform same set of movements with opposite side. Tips…

  • Alternating Leg Lifts

    Instruction Lie down on your back with your legs straight and hands behind behind your head. Raise one of your legs straight towards the ceiling without bending your knee. Slowly lower your leg back towards the floor and simultaneously raise the other leg. Tips Avoid lifting your buttocks off the floor. Avoid holding your breath.…

  • Alternating Arm Leg Plank Rest Pause

    Instruction Get down to floor on your elbows and toes while keeping your back and legs straight Maintain a stable position and raise one of your arms forward and lift the opposite leg in the air simultaneously. Return to the initial position and repeat the same with the opposite arm and leg. Tips Keep your…

  • Alternating Arm Leg Plank Hold

    Instruction Get down to floor on your palms and toes with your arms, legs and back straight. Maintain a stable position and raise one of your arms forward and lift the opposite leg in the air simultaneously. Hold for few seconds and return to the initial position. Perform the same exercise with opposite arm and…

  • Lower Abs Circles

    Instruction Now let’s draw circles with your feet forward to the right Try to bring your feet as close to the mat as you can And forward to the left Inhale flex your feet lower halfway down and hold Draw your lower back down towards the mat Almost there Try not to hold your breath…

  • Crow Pose

    Instruction Bring your big toes together and walk your hands all the way back to your feet for crow pose Inhale come halfway up draw your shoulders back Exhale bend your knees and come down into a squat Bring your knees out wide and place your palms on the mat shoulder-width apart Spread your fingers…